Tim Murray, is a local Waverley Councillor, Company Director and Financial Analyst.
Education and Experience
Macquarie University Bec/BA Hons, Chinese Political Economy
CEO or Board Director roles for media companies in Asia 2001-2013
Managing Partner, J Capital Research, Mar 2010-Jan 2022
Councillor, Waverley Council, Dec 2021-present
House of Representatives or Senate? Tim is standing for election in the House of Representatives (lower house), for the seat of Wentworth in the 2022 federal election.
Party or Independent? Tim will run for Australian Labor Party.
Position on Issues? Supports ALP policies, including:
Establish a powerful, transparent and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission
“Powering Australia” program to cut emissions and reduce power prices. Among other things, this includes: net zero by 2050 (with the public service down to net zero by 2030); upgrading the electricity grid; make EVs cheaper; efficiency incentives for industry; 85 solar banks; 400 community batteries; re-establish Climate Change Authority.
Establish a National Reconstruction Fund, which will allocate $15 billion to partner with the private sector, including superannuation funds to support investments which demonstrate they will grow the economy and increase employment.
Require that 1 in 10 jobs on major federally-funded infrastructure projects are given to apprentices, trainees or cadets.
$270 billion of defence spending on with on-shore contractors.
Cheaper Child Care - lift the maximum subsidy rate to 90 per cent, and increase and smooth the taper rates.
Introduce a new youth engagement model, to provide a voice and structure for younger Australians to directly engage with government and contribute to policy development.
Consult with States, Territories, worker and employer groups to legislate to criminalise wage theft.
Strengthening Medicare
Create a $10 billion off-budget “Housing Australia Future Fund” to build social and affordable housing.
Push to close the gender pay gap through measures such as requiring companies with more than 250 employees to have to report their gender pay gap publicly.
Legislate to create a positive duty on employers to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.
A First Nations voice to the parliament enshrined in the constitution, as well as a national process for Treaty-making and Truth-telling; strengthen economic and job opportunities for First Nations people; and empower First Nations people in caring for land and water.
Better funding for the ABC
For more information visit ALP website
Sources: Mr Murray’s LinkedIn profile