Here are some ways you can report misleading content:
If its a scam: report it to www.scamwatch.gov.au
If its an Australian business: report false or misleading information to the www.accc.gov.au
If its bullying or abuse: report to the Esafety Commissioner www.esafety.gov.au
If it’s in a news source - tell the news source. Or write to the editor or the service’s complaint line, eg https://www.abc.net.au/contact/complain.htm
If an online service has signed the Australian Disinformation and Misinformation Code of Practice, tell ACMA https://digi.org.au/disinformation-code/compaints/
If its a government agency or MP - report it to them and if that fails and it’s a serious issue you could consider reporting it to a media outlet
If its a member of the public on social media - you can report it to the social media outlet, eg report a fake FB account: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/485974059259751/
If you have suggestions, we'd love to hear from you - please contact us