Yesterday evening (11 August '21) our Federal MP Dave Sharma held a “virtual town hall” in the Wentworth electorate on the subject of the Government’s COVID response which was attended by the Minister for Health, Greg Hunt.
Were you on the call? Please let us know what you thought and what information was provided!
On 30 July 2021 we wrote to Dave following our recent online Town Hall event, “Beyond Covid: What’s the Best Plan?”
We received an email reply on 4 August 2021 which you can view in full in the PDF document below. We have also produced a short "side by side" comparison of our questions and Dave's answers which you can also view below.
Unfortunately, we were not provided with any prior notice of yesterday's call with Dave Sharma and Greg Hunt, nor were we invited to this discussion. However, our supporters still have a number of questions they would like to put to Dave and the Minister for Health so we will be writing to him again with those further questions shortly. Watch this space!