Craig Reucassel (War on Waste + Fight for Planet A) has partnered up with comedian Christiaan Van Vuuren (Bondi Hipsters) to make the feature documentary Big Deal: Is our democracy for sale?
This film is going to be a game changer. It’s really tough to find ways of reaching Australians who care about democracy, but have become cynical. Craig and Christiaan have nailed it, asking hard questions about the way big industries, like guns and fossil fuels, influence our politicians. The political analysis is hard-nosed and gripping, but it’s also a hilarious, heart-warming and ultimately hopeful story of people power.
We're thrilled to be able to offer you an exclusive screening - that will be free for the first 200 people who RSVP! ($5 per ticket thereafter). As our valued supporters, we will not open this offer up on our social media channels until next week, so you have a head start to get your free tickets this weekend. Friday, 17 September | 7pm (you'll have 48hrs after that time to watch it) Register here