Following on from our Quick Poll results on the Religious Discrimination Bill (which showed 98.9% of respondents did not support the Bill), we have written to our MP, Dave Sharma setting out a number of concerns and asking him if he will vote in accordance with his own view (as reported in The Australian, ABC and The Project TV), as well as the Wentworth community view - to vote against the Religious Discrimination Bill.
Today, the shadow cabinet is discussing whether Labor will support the Bill. You can write to Anthony Albanese to express your views here: A.Albanese.MP@aph.gov.au You can write to our local member, Dave Sharma to ask him to vote against the Bill here: dave.sharma.mp@aph.gov.au You can read our letter below:
As a young queer woman and Proud Liberal I've never been more proud of advocates like Sharma standing up for the LGBTI + community.