The Federal election was held on 21 May 2022, with Independent candidate, Allegra Spender being voted in to be our new MP. Prior to the election, Voices of Wentworth created this page that included the candidates with a link to their websites as well as our analysis of their policies. The results of our Wentworth Community Survey was used to compile a Candidate Policy Questionnaire that we distributed to all candidates for their feedback. We had responses from Allegra Spender (Independent) and Dominic WY Kanak (Greens) - you can find this information here.

Allegra Spender is a local Wentworth resident, business leader, renewable energy advocate and has previously been the head of the Australian Business and Community Network, which mentors kids from low socio-economic backgrounds. Allegra will run as an Independent, which means she is not a member of any party.
For a summary of Allegra's experience and policies read here

The Federal MP for Wentworth is Dave Sharma. Dave is a member of the Liberal Party of Australia and has previously worked as a diplomat and Australia’s Ambassador to Israel. Details of Dave’s voting record in our Federal Parliament can be found here.
For a summary of Dave's experience and policies read here.

Daniel Lewkovitz is currently the “CEO and Chief Security Evangelist”for Calamity Monitoring, a security advisory firm.
Daniel will run as a candidate for the Liberal Democrats Party for the federal House of Representatives (Lower House) seat of Wentworth.
For a summary of Daniel's experience and policies read here.
Dominic WY Kanak is a Greens councillor on the Waverley Council and is standing for election for the seat of Wentworth.
Dominic was born on Yuwibara Country, Mackay, Queensland, is Torres Strait (Erub) and South Sea Islander (Epi) and is a proud TI grandfather of a Murri-Yorta-Yorta Family.
For a summary of Dominic's experience and policies read here

Dr. Natalie Dumer is a dental practitioner working in Paddington.
Dr. Dumer will run as a candidate for the United Australia Party for the federal House of Representatives (Lower House) seat of Wentworth.
For a summary of Dr. Dumer's experience and policies read here.

Tim Murray is a local Waverley Councillor, Company Director and Financial Analyst.
Tim will run as a candidate for the Australian Labor Party for the federal House of Representatives (Lower House) seat of Wentworth.
For a summary of Tim's experience and policies read here.
David Shoebridge is a Greens MP in the NSW Parliament, serving in the State’s Legislative Council (Upper House) since September 2010.
Mr Shoebridge will be running as a candidate for the federal Senate (upper house) in the 2022 general election and will lead The Greens’ Senate ticket. The next Senate election must be held by 21 May 2022. Unlike members of the House of Representatives, Senators are usually elected for 6-year terms, with half of the Senate seats up for election at each federal election. NSW has been allocated 12 federal Senate seats, with 6 of them being contested at this coming election.
For David's experience and policies head here