Voices of Wentworth sent a questionnaire to our candidates to ask for further details about the policies on issues that are important to the Wentworth electorate (as based on our Wentworth Cares Community Engagement Report 2022).
Two candidates for Wentworth responded by the deadline, as shown below: Allegra Spender, Independent and Dominic WY Kanak, The Greens. The candidates were not shown each other’s answers prior to publication, so the candidates were not given the opportunity to respond to any additional policy ideas raised in the ‘optional clarification’ column, and therefore no inference should be drawn about the acceptance or rejection of those additional comments by the other candidate.
The topics are ordered according to the priority given by Wentworth voters, as shown in our Wentworth Cares Report. The questions have been raised by participants in our kitchen table conversations or our surveys, or in some cases by subject matter experts we consulted on each topic. The policies in the questions should not be taken as the policy positions of Voices of Wentworth – we have simply compiled questions we believe are a high priority for voters. To save space, a shortened version of each question has been included in this table. Please go to the PDFs of the candidates’ responses for the long form versions of the questions that were actually put to the candidates (see links under at the bottom of this page).

The PDFS of the candidate's individual responses can be found here:
Allegra Spender